Active & Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Tense.

The past perfect tense is used to express an action that was completed before another action took place in the past. Let's define the active and passive voices in the past perfect tense:

1. Active Voice (Past Perfect Tense):

   - In active voice, the subject performs an action that was completed before another action in the past.

   - Example: "She had finished her homework before dinner."

2. Passive Voice (Past Perfect Tense):

   - In passive voice, the subject is the receiver of an action that had been completed before another action in the past.

   - Example: "The homework had been finished by her before dinner."

In the passive voice construction for the past perfect tense, "had been" is the auxiliary verb indicating the past perfect tense, and the past participle of the main verb is used. As usual, the agent (the doer of the action) may or may not be mentioned, and if mentioned, it is typically placed at the end of the sentence.

Here are examples of sentences in both active and passive voices in the past perfect tense:

Active Voice (Past Perfect Tense):

1. She had completed the project before the deadline.

2. They had already eaten dinner when I arrived.

3. He had read the book before the movie was released.

Passive Voice (Past Perfect Tense):

1. The project had been completed by her before the deadline.

2. Dinner had already been eaten by them when I arrived.

3. The book had been read by him before the movie was released.

In each passive voice example, "had been" is the auxiliary verb indicating the past perfect tense, and the past participle of the main verb is used. The agent (the doer of the action) is mentioned at the end of the sentence. The past perfect tense, in both active and passive voices, helps convey the sequence of completed actions in the past.