Active & Passive Voice In Future Indefinite Tense

In the active voice of the future indefinite tense, the subject performs the action expressed by the verb. The formula for forming sentences in the active voice with the future indefinite tense is:

Subject + will/shall + base form of the verb + object.


1. She will write a novel.

2. They will finish their homework by tomorrow.

3. The team will play a match on Saturday.

Passive Voice in Future Indefinite Tense:

In the passive voice of the future indefinite tense, the action is performed upon the subject. The formula for forming sentences in the passive voice with the future indefinite tense is:

Subject + will/shall + be + past participle of the verb + by + agent (optional).


1. A novel will be written by her.

2. The homework will be finished by them by tomorrow.

3. A match will be played by the team on Saturday.

In these examples, notice that the active voice sentences have the subject performing the action, while in the passive voice sentences, the subject is receiving the action. Additionally, "will" or "shall" is used to indicate the future tense in both active and passive constructions.

Here are more examples of sentences in both active and passive voice using the future indefinite tense:

Active Voice:

1. The chef will prepare a special dish for the guests.

2. They will build a new bridge across the river.

3. She will sing a beautiful song at the concert.

Passive Voice:

1. A special dish will be prepared for the guests by the chef.

2. A new bridge will be built across the river by them.

3. A beautiful song will be sung at the concert by her.

In these examples, the active voice sentences have the subject (chef, they, she) performing the action, while the passive voice sentences have the subject receiving the action and include the phrase "will be" to indicate the future tense in the passive construction.