Teacher: Good morning, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today, I'd like to discuss the recent assignment. How did everyone find it?

Ali: Um, it was a bit challenging, but I managed to complete it.

Teacher: Great to hear that you took on the challenge! Any specific parts that you found particularly difficult?

Imran: Well, I struggled with the second question. I wasn't sure what you meant by "analyze the historical context."

Teacher: That's a good point. Let me clarify. When I asked you to analyze the historical context, I wanted you to consider the events, social conditions, and overall setting during that time period. It helps provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Did that explanation make sense?

Imran: Yes, it does. I think I can revisit that question with a clearer perspective now.

Teacher: Excellent! If you or anyone else have more questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. Remember, I'm here to help you learn and succeed.

Sania: I had a question about the format. Are we supposed to include a bibliography for this assignment?

Teacher: That's a great question. For this assignment, a bibliography isn't necessary. However, if you used external sources or references, it's always a good practice to cite them appropriately within your text.

Rubi: I was unsure about the word limit. Is there a penalty for going over?

Teacher: Good question. I mentioned a suggested word limit to guide you and ensure that you cover the key points without getting too lengthy. There's no strict penalty, but try to be concise and focus on the quality of your analysis rather than exceeding the word count.

Ali: Thanks for the clarification! I feel more confident about my submission now.

Teacher: You're welcome! If there are no further questions, I look forward to reading your assignments. Remember, learning is a continuous process, and I appreciate your efforts in engaging with the material.