
Prepositions are words that establish relationships between different elements in a sentence. They indicate the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence, such as location, direction, time, manner, or purpose. Prepositions are typically placed before the noun or pronoun they modify.

Commonly used prepositions include "on," "in," "at," "by," "with," "to," "from," "for," "about," and "of," among others. For example, "on the table," "in the city," "at the restaurant," "by the mail carrier," "with his friends," "to the store," "from my sister," "for their mother," and "about the project."

Prepositions can also indicate spatial relationships, such as "in front of," "behind," "among," and "between." Additionally, they can denote time relationships, like "during," "after," and "before." Other examples include "without," which indicates absence or lack of something, and "with," which denotes association or accompaniment.

Remember that prepositions can have multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. Learning and understanding the usage of prepositions is important for constructing grammatically correct and meaningful sentences in English.

Here are some commonly used prepositions with examples:

  1. On: The book is on the table.
  2. In: She lives in the city.
  3. At: We will meet at the restaurant.
  4. By: The letter was delivered by the mail carrier.
  5. With: He went to the party with his friends.
  6. To: She went to the store to buy groceries.
  7. From: I received a gift from my sister.
  8. For: They bought a present for their mother.
  9. About: We had a discussion about the project.
  10. Of: The cup is made of glass.
  11. About: I am worried about the upcoming exam.
  12. With: She painted the picture with watercolors.
  13. In front of: The car is parked in front of the house.
  14. Behind: The cat is hiding behind the sofa.
  15. During: We went for a walk during the evening.
  16. After: She always drinks coffee after dinner.
  17. Before: Please arrive before 9 o'clock.
  18. Among: The toys were scattered among the children.
  19. Between: The sandwich is placed between two slices of bread.
  20. Without: He went to the party without his coat.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more prepositions in the English language. Remember that prepositions are used in different contexts and can have multiple meanings depending on the situation.