
An interjection is a word or phrase that is used to express strong emotions, sudden reactions, or brief exclamations. It is a type of speech that doesn't grammatically connect to the rest of the sentence but rather adds an emotional or emphatic element to it. A detailed interjection goes beyond basic expressions like "Wow!" or "Oops!" and provides a more nuanced or elaborate way of conveying emotions or reactions. Here are some examples of detailed interjections:

1.    "Oh, dear!": Expressing concern, surprise, or disappointment. Example: "Oh, dear! I completely forgot about the important meeting this morning."

2.    "Goodness gracious!": Expressing shock, astonishment, or disbelief. Example: "Goodness gracious! I can't believe how much weight he has lost!"

3.    "Well, well!": Expressing curiosity, surprise, or realization. Example: "Well, well! It seems like you've finally decided to take up painting."

4.    "Mercy me!": Expressing surprise, astonishment, or alarm. Example: "Mercy me! That car came out of nowhere!"

5.    "By Jove!": Expressing excitement, enthusiasm, or admiration. Example: "By Jove! You've done an incredible job with this artwork."

6.    "Heavens above!": Expressing surprise, shock, or disbelief. Example: "Heavens above! I never expected to see you here."

7.    "Gadzooks!": Expressing surprise, astonishment, or frustration. Example: "Gadzooks! I've lost my wallet again."

8.    "Well, I'll be!": Expressing surprise, realization, or acknowledgment. Example: "Well, I'll be! You actually finished the project ahead of schedule."

9.    "Bless my soul!": Expressing astonishment, disbelief, or awe. Example: "Bless my soul! I've never seen such a beautiful sunset."

10.                       "Oh, for crying out loud!": Expressing frustration, annoyance, or exasperation. Example: "Oh, for crying out loud! Can't you just listen to what I'm saying?"

These detailed interjections add color and emphasis to conversations by conveying specific emotions or reactions. They help to make speech more expressive and can reflect the speaker's personality or state of mind.