Define Adjective With Examples.

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun by providing additional information about its qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Adjectives can express various degrees of comparison, such as positive, comparative, and superlative forms.

Remember, adjectives can be used to describe a wide range of things, such as people, places, objects, feelings, and more. These examples showcase the diversity of adjectives and how they enhance our language by adding vivid descriptions.

Here are some examples of adjectives:

1.    Beautiful: This adjective describes something that possesses beauty or aesthetic appeal. For example, "She wore a beautiful dress to the party" indicates that the dress was visually pleasing or attractive.

2.    Tall: This adjective describes the height of a person, object, or structure. It indicates that the subject is of a greater height compared to others. For instance, "The basketball player is exceptionally tall" suggests that the player is noticeably taller than average.

3.    Angry: This adjective expresses a strong feeling of displeasure, irritation, or rage. When someone is angry, they are upset or frustrated. An example sentence could be, "The customer became angry when the order was delayed."

4.    Delicious: This adjective describes something that has a pleasant taste or flavor. It is often used to express enjoyment or satisfaction regarding food or drinks. For instance, "The cake tasted delicious with its creamy frosting" indicates that the cake was exceptionally enjoyable to eat.

5.    Cold: This adjective refers to a low temperature or a lack of warmth. It describes the sensation of feeling chilly or the weather being frigid. A sentence like "I need a warm sweater in this cold weather" suggests that the weather is significantly chilly, requiring additional layers of clothing.

6.    Intelligent: This adjective describes someone's mental capacity, ability to learn, understand, and solve problems. It signifies high cognitive abilities and sharp thinking. For example, "He is an intelligent student who excels in his studies" suggests that the student is intellectually gifted and performs well academically.

7.    Small: This adjective denotes a diminutive size or something that is not large. It indicates a lack of physical magnitude or volume. An example sentence could be, "The puppy is small enough to fit in your hand," indicating that the puppy is tiny and can be held comfortably in one's hand.

8.    Brave: This adjective describes someone who displays courage, fearlessness, or determination in the face of danger or adversity. It signifies a person's willingness to take risks or face challenging situations. For instance, "The firefighter displayed brave acts of heroism" indicates that the firefighter showed great courage while performing their duties.

9.    Bright: This adjective refers to the quality of emitting or reflecting a strong light or having a high degree of luminosity. It suggests something that is vivid, radiant, or brilliant. For example, "The sun shines bright in the clear blue sky" indicates that the sun is shining with a strong and intense light.

10.                       Comfortable: This adjective describes something that provides ease, relaxation, or a sense of physical or mental well-being. It suggests a state of comfort or contentment. For instance, "The soft cushion provided a comfortable seat" implies that the cushion was plush and cozy, allowing the person to sit in a relaxed and pleasant manner.

Adjectives can enhance our communication by adding descriptive details to our statements, allowing us to convey specific qualities, characteristics, or attributes about the nouns they modify.